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Why MY Ayurveda consult is for you:
KNOW your "prakriti" (natural humor or constituency) to understand WHO you are and your "vikruti" (personal imbalance). With this, define your emotional & physical strengths & weaknesses (these last are seen as opportunity areas).
DISCOVER the hidden causes of your mental and physical discomforts
LEARN to take decisions based on what you love & excel at, according to your real nature (avoid activities / people which drain your energy unnecessarily).
CHOOSE a diet according to what your metabolism can digest and absorb best, to stay healthy without isolating you from the outside world with a strict diet.
UNDERSTAND the 3 dosha types, to know what to expect from people in your life, such as which type of partner is the best to complement you naturally / Know more about your actual partner to have a realistic and easy going relationship.
DEVELOP your own ways to balance "negative" emotions such as: anger, jealousy, sadness, etc., & how to boost your good energy and vibe!
Through the results of my Dosha assessment quiz, I create a PERSONALIZED DOSHA REPORT (basic or detailed) for your daily routine, diet, interests and needs based on your lifestyle as it is today,
and give you an incredible useful easy to follow guideline!
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