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Learning about your dosha will open a whole new perspective of yourself, your partner, family, friends and people around you... it will teach you to be more emphatic with others, know your own strengths and weaknesses (seen as opportunity areas) and take more accurate & healthier decisions.

The Ayurvedic principles are easy to understand as these are precepts in which all forms of life and the Universe itself is created from: THE FIVE ELEMENTS OF THE EARTH. Everything, all matter animated or unanimated, is composed by these five earth basic elements.


In Ayurveda they are condensed into 3 categories (not related to your zodiac star sign element)
BODY-MIND-SOUL constitutions known as "DOSHAS":


VATA (Air+Ether), PITTA (Fire+Water) and KAPHA (Earth + Water)


The Mental constitution always predominates (rules) over the physical, therefore my interest in focusing on the MIND. Generally, we are a combination of the 3 doshas with one predominant.

Some physical and emotional examples of each dosha type:


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